
Paleolithic paintings in Cresswell Craigs, UK
||, Creswell Crags, Nottinghamshire is one of the most important Upper Paleolithic sites in the British Isles and has been the focus for archaeologists for over 170 years. In 2021, Research Fellow, Dr George Nash at the University of Liverpool explored the walls and ceilings of several caves within the Gorge, including Church Hole Cave and Robin Hood’s Cave. The results of this survey revealed several panels in Church Hole Cave that showed potential evidence of painted surfaces using a locally sourced red pigment. Read about his findings at the Bradshaw Foundation website (here).
The Rochester Creek Panel
Rochester Creek Petroglyph Site Video
The Rochester Creek Rock Art Site is an extraordinary Fremont site in Emery County, Utah. With a story telling team of Native American descendants, land managers and archaeologists we have put together this 3 minute film that imagines the site from the point of view of Ute spiritual leader Larry Cesspooch.
Petroglyphs in Gold Butte National Monument
Nevada man sentenced to 6 months in prison for damaging rock art
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A Nevada man will spend 6 month in jail for defacing rock art in Nevada
low water in the Amazon
Record low water reveals petroglyphs in Brazil
Record low water in the Rio Negro of Brazil has revealed petroglyphs that were previously under water. The story was originally reported by Reuters (go here to see the story and images) but has appeared in multiple news outlets. One of the best is in the Guardian (here). The images are not well studied but thought to be of similar age to other petroglyphs in the Amazon -1,000 to 2,000 years old.
Snake Tailed Cat Petroglyph
Persistence of Place
Some places become important to humans and remain so across thousands of years and multiple cultures.
San Juan County Petroglyphs
Southern Utah Petroglyph Boulders
We have loaded a VR model of petroglyph boulders in Utah optimized for the Oculus headset.
Stephen Alvarez works in an unnamed cave
Native American Cave Art Over 1000-Years-Old Revealed by 3D Scans
Giant Cave Art images discovered using 3D modeling. This expands our knowledge of the Woodland Culture world view.
Rock Art in Texas Defaced
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Late last year vandals irreparably damaged a rock art petroglyph panel in Big Bend National Park. 2021 was a hard year for United States rock art with major instances of vandalism reported in Utah (here, here) and now closing the year in Texas. Anyone with information about the incident in Texas should contact the Big Bend National Park Communication Center at 432-477-1187. Detailed view of vandalism in Big Bend National Park, Texas photo via NPS The National Park Service reports that there have been over 50 instances of vandalism to rock art in Big Bend since 2015. Read more at Art News (here) and Texas Monthly (here). At the Ancient Art Archive, we believe that the only long-term solution to vandalism is education. We must build a long term and wide spread appreciation for the images our predecessors left written on the landscape. To that end we have built education...
Shooting the Milky Way and Rock Art
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How do you shoot the Milky Way and rock art at the same time?
Rochester Rock art Fremont Panel
Rochester Rock art panel vandalized!
The Rochester Rock art panel in Utah has been vandalized