
Paleolithic paintings in Cresswell Craigs, UK
||, Creswell Crags, Nottinghamshire is one of the most important Upper Paleolithic sites in the British Isles and has been the focus for archaeologists for over 170 years. In 2021, Research Fellow, Dr George Nash at the University of Liverpool explored the walls and ceilings of several caves within the Gorge, including Church Hole Cave and Robin Hood’s Cave. The results of this survey revealed several panels in Church Hole Cave that showed potential evidence of painted surfaces using a locally sourced red pigment. Read about his findings at the Bradshaw Foundation website (here).
Storied Rock Interview
Our founder Stephen Alvarez was interviewed on public radio about producing the Storied Rock article in National Geographic Magazine and the work of the Ancient Art Archive. Listen to the interview here. Storied Rock is live on National Geographic's website (here subscription required). You can see the images on Alvarez's website by going to America's Murals.
Ancient Art Archive Wikipedia
The Archive showed up on Wikipedia this week (here)! Wikipedia is the crowd sourced encyclopedia, its often the first place people go for information on any subject. We are thrilled to be added.
Great Gallery of Horseshoe Canyon, Utah USA
Barrier Canyon Style Rock Art
The Barrier Canyon Style (BCS) represents an intriguing facet of prehistoric rock art, primarily concentrated in Utah, notably flourishing within the San Rafael Swell and Canyonlands National Park regions
Horse Nation in Science
New study of horses in North America
Ancient Art Archive in the Ada News
Education Activity in Ada, OK
It’s a wonderful opportunity to share this collective history with kids who are descendants of the Mississippian tribes,” Mater said. “But to non-native kids as well. This is part of American history. Hopefully this kind of sparks their imaginations. It gets people kind of asking larger questions, and appreciating the cultural history and legacy that we come from
over 100 petroglyphs
Over 100 neolithic petroglyphs found in a Catalonian Cave
Over 100 engravings have been identified on an 8 meter long panel in a cave in Tarragona. The images are exceptional both for their uniqueness and their state of preservation.
Dinwoody Petroglyphs
Updates to our public sites list
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We've updated the International Public Ancient Art sites list to include two wonderful rock art sites in Utah and Wyoming.
Chauvet Pont d’Arc the discovery of 36,000-year-old art
Upper Paleolithic Proto Writing
We know that ancient artists were exacting observers of the natural world. But it is mind bending that they may have had a written time keeping system 20,000 years ago.
Saturday Night Live
Comedian Michael Che offered up his opinion about our recent discovery of massive cave art in Alabama during an early May 2022 Saturday Night Live show: “Archaeologists have discovered thousand-year-old drawings in caves in Alabama. Guys, they’re bad,” he joked during his segment of Weekend Update. We appreciate the joke! The laugh line comes in at about 1 minute 15 seconds in the video below.