
Gizmodo: Largest Cave Art in North America Discovered in Alabama
The newly discovered glyphs are so massive that they weren’t previously noticed as discrete artworks. By scanning the entire cave ceiling, the researchers were able to stitch together images of artworks that cannot be observed in their totality in person, given the cave’s low ceiling.  Read the full Gizmodo article here
Smithsonian: 3D Scans Reveal Gigantic Native American Cave Art in Alabama
The fact that these drawings were made on such a large scale, and in such a difficult to reach location, suggests a strong degree of intention behind their creation. “It wasn’t doodling,” Simek says. “They had to lay them out, at least in their head, and maybe even a little bit on the wall, in order to be able to draw them the way they did.” Read the full Smithsonian article here
National Geographic
National Geographic: 3D Cave Scans Reveal Largest Cave Art in North America
The presence of massive rock art in the Southeast “just emphasizes that ideas are flowing back and forth across this continent before European contact,” says Alvarez.  Read the full National Geographic article here
Serranía de la Lindosa, Columbia
Are the Serranía de la Lindosa paintings 12,000 years old?
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Are the Serrania de la Lindosa Colombia paintings 12,000 years old? They could be but why are they so well preserved?
Venus of Willendorf
Venus of Willendorf is Italian
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The Venus of Willendorf, a 35,000 year old statue found in Austria has its roots in Italy
Falcon Warrior in Devilstep Hollow Cave
Devilstep Hollow Cave
People we refer to as Mississippian used Devilstep Hollow cave as a ceremonial space. Explore the artwork and symbols sealed inside
National Parks Conservation Association
National Parks Conservation Association: The Writing on the Wall
The National Parks Magazine offers an in-depth look into Stephen Alvarez’s journey founding the Ancient Art Archive and preserving and sharing humanity’s oldest stories. Read the full National Parks Conservation Association article here
The New York Times
The New York Times: 5 Accounts to Follow on Instagram Now
Critic Martha Schwendener refers to the Ancient Art Archive’s Instagram feed as an “indispensable portal to the inspiring and the miraculous.” Read the full The New York Times article here